He has a type of disease that can make him see things, and in this case creatures. Tajiri then used these creatures to make the idea pokemon. (I think the disease was schizophrenia)
It's a TV series, video game and trading card game. Pokemon were introduced by the video game company Nintendo after their invention by Satoshi Tajiri around 1995. The games involve fictional creatures who have various super-powers and abilities.AnswerPokemon are fictional creatures in another universe that are captured (using a Pokeball of some sort) and raised by humans to battle and protect them. Each Pokemon has a different ability and type (Electric, ,Water,grass,fire, etc.) and there are over 600 species (Raichu, Jirachi, Charizard, Mew, etc.). Some people use Pokemon to battle while others care for them as pets. A person who uses Pokemon to battle is often refered to as a Pokemon trainer, as Pokemon are creatures which can also grow (in levels), evolve (change form to become stronger) and develop in skills (which transfers to their types of attack). Many things have come from the creation of Pokemon - including a trading card game, an anime television series and many video games. These have all been very successful and have made Pokemon popular all over the world.The original idea for the Pokemon game came from a young man (Satoshi Tajiri) who wanted to invent a game that involved trading insects - as was his hobby.AnswerPokemon is a game that is made up. Pokemon stands for "pocket monsters"! So when you play Pokemon, you have your Pokemon in a Pokeball so you can put them in your pocket! They have abilities like Water, Fire, Grass, Steel, Ice and so on. You can train, trade, and battle with them, or capture wild ones.As of 2009, there were 493 Pokemon of various types. Bulbasaur (no.1) is the first Pokemon on the Pokedex index, and Arceus (no 493) is the last (not recognized until he appeared in a movie in February, 2009. The official site showed only the first 491.)Since 2010, there have been 649 Pokemon in total.
Before explaining any further, it must be known that the original Pokemon creator, was a man named Satoshi Tajiri. Born during 1965, Satoshi grew up in a rural area in Tokyo. As a child, his favorite hobby was bug collecting, which earned him the nickname "Dr.Bug," from his peers. As a teenager, he became fascinated with arcade games and soon video games, which later inspired him to become a video game designer. However, his fascination lead to skipping school, and other rebellious behaviors. Because of this, he retook his high school classes as an adult, and attended two year college. Years later, as an adult, Satoshi witnessed kids from time to time, searching for bugs. Unfortunately, as he had grown, so had Tokyo. It had become a populated, industrialized city throughout the years, which had caused the bugs to migrate. In an attempt to allow children to experience his hobby, he began planning a game, where they would be allowed to capture these insects, and trade them through cables ( he had observed two children playing with Gameboys, linked through a cable). After proposing this idea to Nintendo (which agreed to the plan due to his corporation with a previous project), he began designing the game, and released it in the mid 1900s, under the name "Pocket Monsters" or "Pokemon."
Pokemon were a Japanese idea based on the earlier idea of Pocket Monsters.
The history of Pokemon is long and mysterious. Nobody knows much about Pokemon - that's why there are new discoveries about them all the time. Each time new discoveries are made, we come closer to understanding how Pokemon have come to be and how humans have interacted with them in the past. We must first understand what Pokemon are. Pokemon are, essentially, creatures that have power over an element (or two). Most Pokemon evolve - though it is not understood why. Most people say Pokemon evolve to become stronger. Pokemon who don't evolve are questioned. One question asks whether the said Pokemon are already better, perfect and thus should not evolve. Before the existence of humans and most creatures, Pokemon have been. They have said to have created the universe, time, space and all other Pokemon. Arceus, the legendary Alpha Pokemon, may have been the first Pokemon to have existed. It may have been the first creature. Arceus then created Dialga and Palkia who started time and space. With the universe created, creatures were created - all said to be descendants of Mew the Mirage Pokemon (excluding most legendaries). Other legendary Pokemon were then created. Ho-oh was said to have created Raikou, Entei and Suicune. Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres were created and separated to control their power. All sorts of Pokemon were created and some were made in control of the elements of the earth - to keep everything in balance. Some Pokemon aren't originally from earth: Deoxys is a mutated virus which came from a meteor. Other Pokemon have been credited with giving humans great gifts. Azelf, Mespirit and Uxie have given humans the gift of Knowledge, Emotion, and Willpower. From the point of creation, Pokemon have grown stronger and have evolved and eventually created new Pokemon. Originally, Pokemon such as Relicanth, Aerodactyl and Rampardos roamed the earth. But eventually, these Pokemon died out, became fossils, or in the case of Relicanth - remained unchanged and lived only in secluded caves which were eventually sealed off. Drawings in ancient caves suggest that in the early years of human existence, humans and Pokemon interacted well and peacefully. Over the centuries, humans and Pokemon continued to interact with each other and the world's balance was never set in danger thanks to its guardians. These days, Pokemon have developed and new species are discovered constantly. Pokemon and humans have always worked together and will keep on working together in the future. Of course, I should mention that Pokemon are fictional creatures who were created in the 90s by a Japanese man called Satoshi Tajiri. He came up with the idea because he liked to collect insects. Not all Pokemon are insects, but you get the idea. As for the history of Pokemon as a media, ever since its creation, Pokemon have taken the world by storm. Games, trading cards, movies, comics, radio dramas and much more have come from it. These days you can ride a Pokemon decorated bus, eat Pokemon pizza pie, play on a custom Pikachu DS Lite... the list goes on. Many people take an interest in Pokemon - if they didn't, there wouldn't be a Pokemon FAQ : ). With the constant production of new Pokemon products, there is no telling when the franchise will stop. Pokemon could be around for many years to come.
i have no idea and isn't Pokemon shinygold a hack game
Satoshi Tajiri invented it.
Satoshi Tajiri created Pokemon in 1995 and presented the idea to Nintendo and they loved it. The end.
you won't believe how many people ask this. Pokemon are not real (sadly) because Satoshi Tajiri created them like mythical beast. its like a digimon. they are just for entertainment. he never actually saw a Pokemon, he just, got an idea in his mind and made them.
Nintendo owns Pokemon, so they wouldn't just give Sony the rights to it. Sony would make way too much money. o----> Technically Game Freak and Creatures Inc. Developed Pokemon but Satoshi Tajiri owns it since he created it... But then again I think he created/owns Game Freak and Creatures INC as well, Nintendo PUBLISHES it BUT does not own it. It is on Nintendo because that is where Satoshi WANTED it. Legend Of Zelda is owned by Nintendo since Nintendo created it same with Mario, but Pokemon was not a Nintendo Idea anymore then Final Fantasy was, Final Fantasy is owned and developed by Square (Enix/Soft). SO Yes Pokemon CAN go to the PS3 HOWEVER I highly DOUBT it will since the Owner made it always intending for it to be a handheld game.... Intending it for the GameBoy... even if even GameBoy evolved to DS.
Pokemon was invented in the late 19 hundreds when hormones were discovered
The concept of the Pokémon universe, in both the video games and the general fictional world of Pokémon, stems from the hobby of insect collecting, a popular pastime which Pokémon executive director Satoshi Tajiri-Oniwa enjoyed as a child.
It's a TV series, video game and trading card game. Pokemon were introduced by the video game company Nintendo after their invention by Satoshi Tajiri around 1995. The games involve fictional creatures who have various super-powers and abilities.AnswerPokemon are fictional creatures in another universe that are captured (using a Pokeball of some sort) and raised by humans to battle and protect them. Each Pokemon has a different ability and type (Electric, ,Water,grass,fire, etc.) and there are over 600 species (Raichu, Jirachi, Charizard, Mew, etc.). Some people use Pokemon to battle while others care for them as pets. A person who uses Pokemon to battle is often refered to as a Pokemon trainer, as Pokemon are creatures which can also grow (in levels), evolve (change form to become stronger) and develop in skills (which transfers to their types of attack). Many things have come from the creation of Pokemon - including a trading card game, an anime television series and many video games. These have all been very successful and have made Pokemon popular all over the world.The original idea for the Pokemon game came from a young man (Satoshi Tajiri) who wanted to invent a game that involved trading insects - as was his hobby.AnswerPokemon is a game that is made up. Pokemon stands for "pocket monsters"! So when you play Pokemon, you have your Pokemon in a Pokeball so you can put them in your pocket! They have abilities like Water, Fire, Grass, Steel, Ice and so on. You can train, trade, and battle with them, or capture wild ones.As of 2009, there were 493 Pokemon of various types. Bulbasaur (no.1) is the first Pokemon on the Pokedex index, and Arceus (no 493) is the last (not recognized until he appeared in a movie in February, 2009. The official site showed only the first 491.)Since 2010, there have been 649 Pokemon in total.
Before explaining any further, it must be known that the original Pokemon creator, was a man named Satoshi Tajiri. Born during 1965, Satoshi grew up in a rural area in Tokyo. As a child, his favorite hobby was bug collecting, which earned him the nickname "Dr.Bug," from his peers. As a teenager, he became fascinated with arcade games and soon video games, which later inspired him to become a video game designer. However, his fascination lead to skipping school, and other rebellious behaviors. Because of this, he retook his high school classes as an adult, and attended two year college. Years later, as an adult, Satoshi witnessed kids from time to time, searching for bugs. Unfortunately, as he had grown, so had Tokyo. It had become a populated, industrialized city throughout the years, which had caused the bugs to migrate. In an attempt to allow children to experience his hobby, he began planning a game, where they would be allowed to capture these insects, and trade them through cables ( he had observed two children playing with Gameboys, linked through a cable). After proposing this idea to Nintendo (which agreed to the plan due to his corporation with a previous project), he began designing the game, and released it in the mid 1900s, under the name "Pocket Monsters" or "Pokemon."
ive no idea this Question is like Huh ?
No idea:( I just started becoming a Pokemon fan like 3 months ago.
I have no idea what a masteon is. I have no idea what a masteon is.
Pokemon were a Japanese idea based on the earlier idea of Pocket Monsters.