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You cant. There are cheats to change them into one though. (after having it) Ido not know the code but i have seen it before

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Q: How do you make legendary as a starter for HeartGold?
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Related questions

Is there an action replay cheat to make the starter Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold legendary Pokemon?

yes at heartgold action replay codes

What is the best legendary Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

there are many legendary Pokemon in Pokemon heartgold, but the best is HO-OH

Where is all the legendary Pokemon on HeartGold?

I put a link to a guide all about legendary pokemon in HeartGold in the related links.

How can you get legendary egg in Pokemon HeartGold?

No legendary can lay an egg except for manaphy which gives an egg to phione and you can not get manaphy or phione in heartgold

What legendary water type Pokemon can you get in Pokemon HeartGold?

In HeartGold you can catch Kyogre.

How do you make legendary Pokemon starter Pokemon?

you cant you pick from the three that r given

How do you get to the hoenn in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't get to the Hoenn region in HeartGold or SoulSilver. However, Latias can be caught in HeartGold, which is a legendary from Hoenn.

How do you get pikachu as my starter on HeartGold?

you cant

How do you get all the legendary Pokemon in heartgold?

migrate and trade

How do you get a Sinnoh starter in heartgold?

You cannot get a Sinnoh Starter. You can only have a Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn starter.

What are the starter Pokemon you get after you beat red on Pokemon HeartGold?

what starter? you already get a starter after you beated red.-_-

What is a good starter Pokemon in heartgold?
