you put it like this i is iron put it in the crafting bench
i i i
i e i
i e i
e is for empty
Helmet, chest plate, leggings, and boots.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
shears: [ ] [i] [i] [ ] i = iron
3 iron ingots
iron diamond gold and leather
you make them...
One Iron in top middleTwo Iron beside thatTwo Iron under thoseAnd two last Iron under thoseTotal of 7 Iron Ingots
Helmet, chest plate, leggings, and boots.
You use leggings in Minecraft as a piece of armor. They are the second best piece in a set after the chestplate.
The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
shears: [ ] [i] [i] [ ] i = iron
It is impossible to make iron in Minecraft, but it is possible to make iron ingots. To do this, you need a furnace, some coal, and iron ore, you put the coal in the bottom part of the furnace, and put the iron ore in the top, over time, you will get iron ingots.
3 iron ingots
you have to mine iron ore then put it in a furnace and you will get an iron bar called an iron ingot.
how can you find iron ore in minecraft.
Three iron bars