you simply get certain kinds of barries and blend them in a particular way. that's all
blue pokeblocks to max beauty
I'm afraid that you cant make or get Pokéblocks on Leaf Green/Fire Red
There is a limit to how many PokeBlocks a certain Pokemon can eat before you can't give it any more, so use PokeBlocks wisely.
You can make pink pokeblocks by using sweet berries. For example: Pecha berry
Check a berries tag in your Bag find a berry that has a red circle around the word Dry use this berry in the berry blender to make a blue pokeblock or liteblue. Try using a Ganlon berry.
contest hall
You cannot make poffins in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald but you can make pokeblocks at contest centers
go to any contest hall, face the machines in the lower right hand corner and press A
It means it likes bitter pokeblocks (green pokeblocks)
No, they are not glitched to crash your game.
blue pokeblocks to max beauty
I'm afraid that you cant make or get Pokéblocks on Leaf Green/Fire Red
in diamond u cant or pearl or platuim u make poffins in sapphire emerald and ruby in super contest hall in Lilicove city
Give it pokeblocks to max the beauty, then train it by 1 lvl.
certain pokeblocks can make Pokemon happier if your talking about Pokemon emerald or Sapphire, but generally the more you raise your Pokemon the happier they become.
There is a limit to how many PokeBlocks a certain Pokemon can eat before you can't give it any more, so use PokeBlocks wisely.
You can make pink pokeblocks by using sweet berries. For example: Pecha berry