you have to make him happy. hope this helped!
Golbat can evolve in any level. Golbat evolves into Crobat via happiness. Your Golbat must be happy enough until it will evolve. It can evolve from having fun with battles. I suggest you give it a Soothe Bell to make this proggress much quicker.
no matter what you do if you want to evolve it, you have to make it happy first. The number 1 way to make it happy is to never let it faint. I just caught a golbat at lv.40 in victory road and used a rare candy on it 3 ttimes and it evolved. In my gold version it evolved at lv 28. so it depends whether it's happy or not. Hope it helped
Your Golbat needs to be happy with you. If you din't have one you can catch them in the Ice Path (or any other cave that you know has a Golbat)
In the Pokémon games, Golbat evolves into Crobat when its friendship level with its trainer is high. Friendship is a hidden value that increases as the Pokémon participates in battles, gains experience points, and receives grooming or massages from the player. Once Golbat's friendship reaches a certain threshold, typically during the day, leveling it up will trigger the evolution into Crobat.
you make your golbat happy ;)
There are various things you can do to make Golbat happy in Pokémon Sapphire. For example, you could feed it Poke blocks.
Make it happy and it will evolve into Crobat.
you have to make him happy. hope this helped!
Make it happy or at night level it up holding the quick claw
Golbat evoles when its happy. Try to feed it poffins and proitens.
Golbat can evolve in any level. Golbat evolves into Crobat via happiness. Your Golbat must be happy enough until it will evolve. It can evolve from having fun with battles. I suggest you give it a Soothe Bell to make this proggress much quicker.
In the Pokémon games, Golbat evolves into Crobat when its friendship level with its trainer is high. Friendship is a hidden value that increases as the Pokémon participates in battles, gains experience points, and receives grooming or massages from the player. Once Golbat's friendship reaches a certain threshold, typically during the day, leveling it up will trigger the evolution into Crobat.
if you make your golbat happy, give it the soothebell, make it the first Pokemon in your poketeam and don't let it faint !
make it happy by giving it zinc, protein,and carbos then use rarecandy or lvlup it
zubat evolves at level 22 into golbat. if you want a crobat, make it happy.
You can battle with it, keep it in the party, give it a berry that have the friendship effect, or make it hold a Soothe Bell then battle with it.