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Plant them in the soil where you picked them and water them. If they dont grow then maybe your internal battery has run dry (this means clock based events like shoal cave tide and plants wont grow)

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Q: How do you make berries grow in pokemon emerald?
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Pokemon emerald berries which make the beauty of the Pokemon higher?

The berry type that will make beauty go up are all dry berrys.

What is the best nature for feebas to evolve in Pokemon emerald?

You make its beauty increase examples make it win beauty contests Give it berries that increase beauty

What level does feebas evolve at in emerald?

get some berries that levels up beauty then after you kept giving it to feebas then it will evolve but to make it evolve after giving alot of beauty berries you can either use rare candies or fight wild Pokemon with feebas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- LOL Beauty Berries. Here: tobyunkown ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Pokemon will probably make aurora emerald if anything.

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It's practically just food for Pokemon that you can make using berries. You can mix the various berries in a Pokemon center.

What will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon emerald?

There are several Pokemon that will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon Emerald. These include Pikachu, Sandshrew, and Vulpix.

What kind of berries make yellow pokeblock in Pokemon ermald?

Dingle Berries

How do you make pokeblock in diamond?

Pokeblock's are not in diamond instead there called poffin's, just like ruby, sapphire and emerald in the Pokemon contests you can create your own poffin using berries.

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By getting an Editor for Pokemon Emerald that allows you to modify the sprites...

How do you make a full Pokemon to hungry in Pokemon emerald?

Not possible.

How do you make the battle with your dad available on Pokemon emerald?

of course after you get empoleon in emerald