You make its beauty increase
examples make it win beauty contests
Give it berries that increase beauty
the only way to evolve it is to have the feebas at a high BEAUTY status for Pokemon contests. and the best way to do this is to have a feebas with a MODEST nature.
Modest is really great!
dont no
i was wondering this too... but I'll tell u what ikno. i think modest nature is the best (not sure if it even matters what nature) and that it likes dry food. i have a feebas that likes dry food but its rash natured :/ so im wondering if the nature even matters. lol didnt really answer the question but yeah... good luck
You can't evolve Feebas if it doesn't have enough beauty to evolve and if it has full sheen. [EDIT] Like the person above me its impossible (wish they had berries that decreased sheen along with EVs would be so much more convenient), if you messed up with this feebas you can always breed for a new one if you have a ditto (if its male). If it's female, you can breed it with any other male compatible species. Try to breed for one that has a nature that likes dry berries so it's easier to increase the beauty stat. Like modest for example. You don't have to but it will be a lot easier to evolve in the long run, I've bred and trained several feebas and evolved them myself and traded some to my friends.
the only way to evolve it is to have the feebas at a high BEAUTY status for Pokemon contests. and the best way to do this is to have a feebas with a MODEST nature.
Modest is really great!
catch a feebas at route 119, make sure its nature is of the following:modest, mild, quiet, rash: these nature like blue pokeblocks to increase it s beauty, after you increased its beauty, it will evolve into milotic,
It's Docile Nature.
If you mean "How do you change the certain type of wild pokemon that appear in Pokemon Emerald," you have to go to different areas where certain types of pokemon are common. For instance, if you are interested in water pokemon, you should go to Slateport and get out your fishing pole. If you are interested in Fire pokemon, you should go to the Firey Path or Verdanturf. If you are asking how to get wild pokemon to evolve, you have to catch a wild pokemon and train it and get it to a certain level to make it evolve. To find an evolution list for Pokemon Emerald, click the link below.
dont no
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Milotic is really hard to get. But, let's get things started. First, capture a Feebas, the gender doesn't matter. You can catch a Feebas in Mt. Coronet (Upper) B1F using an Old Rod. Then, you have level it up when it has Max Beauty. You should feed it a lot of berries depending on it's nature. You have to give it strong berries. Then you should have won all the Beauty Constests and Feebas has all the Beauty Ribbons. Then, level it up once more so it can now evolve to a Milotic. *I hope this helped*
i was wondering this too... but I'll tell u what ikno. i think modest nature is the best (not sure if it even matters what nature) and that it likes dry food. i have a feebas that likes dry food but its rash natured :/ so im wondering if the nature even matters. lol didnt really answer the question but yeah... good luck
it evolves to milotic when its beauty is high enough. u can feed it with many poffins to rise the beauty of it
Beautifly itself does not evolve, but if you have a Wurmple, it will evolve into either a Cascoon or a Silcoon at level 7 (something--nature, I think, determines which one it will evolve into). Silcoon will evolve into Beautifly at level 10 while Cascoon evolves into Dustox at the same level.
You can't evolve Feebas if it doesn't have enough beauty to evolve and if it has full sheen. [EDIT] Like the person above me its impossible (wish they had berries that decreased sheen along with EVs would be so much more convenient), if you messed up with this feebas you can always breed for a new one if you have a ditto (if its male). If it's female, you can breed it with any other male compatible species. Try to breed for one that has a nature that likes dry berries so it's easier to increase the beauty stat. Like modest for example. You don't have to but it will be a lot easier to evolve in the long run, I've bred and trained several feebas and evolved them myself and traded some to my friends.
That will depend on its nature not what kind of pokemon it is. Test out each color until the dialogue says that the pikachu liked it.