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You can't make berries grow faster without cheating. You have to wait. But, you can do something so you don't have to wait in the long run. Water your berry plant as much as possible, so that way, when you pick the berries, if you watered them enough, you could get up to 20 berries! I'm NOT joking. So which one would you rather do: waiting at least 50 hours, picking 2 berries ever 12 hours, or picking 12 berries in one round?

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Q: How do make berries grow faster in Pokemon sapphire?
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How do you make a plant grow faster in Pokemon sapphire?

Water it with the squirtbottle

What are the dry berries in Pokemon sapphire?

cornn, pamtre, and kelpsy find them from berry master and grow em alot

How do you get berries to grow if they wont grow on Pokemon emerald?

You have to wait for it to grow.

What is the best way to raise youre Pokemon on Pokemon Sapphire?

The best way to raise your Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire is to have all 8 Hoenn badges and trade them for Pokemon Ruby version. Doing is will make the Pokemon Ruby Pokemon evolve faster. It works like this because traded Pokemon will gain a boosted amount of experience so they will grow much faster. Example you trade a Rayquaza (Pokemon Sapphire) for a Rayquaza (Pokemon Ruby) at LV 70 once Rayquaza you received from Pokemon Ruby will gain boosted EXP points every time. And the same goes to the Rayquaza that was transfered into Pokemon Ruby. Traded Pokemon grow much faster in trades than normal.

How do you grow the cornnberry on Pokemon emerald?

You grow it like any other berry: You plant it, water it (if you want more than two berries to grow) and pick the berries.

In Pokemon diamond how long do berries take to grow?

it takes about 1-3 days to grow

How do you grow berries in Pokemon diamond quicker?

by using the sprayduck or waiting

How do you grow oran berries grow in pokemon heartg old?

Once you have the Berry Grow thing, you can plant the Oran Berries into it. It may take awhile though, like a couple of hours.

What Pokemon is pokerus?

its not a Pokemon, its a Pokemon virus. it makes your Pokemon grow faster. seems to be from the 03' games.

What is the best type of mulch?

In the world of Pokemon there are 4 types of mulch: Growth mulch Speeds up the growth of berries, but dries soil faster Damp Mulch Slows the growth of berries, but causes the soil to dry slower Stable Mulch Extends the time ripened berries reamin on the plants before falling Gooey Mulch Ups the number of times new plants grow where mature plants withered Which of these are best for raising berries in pokemon?

How do i use a Macho brace badge to give to a Pokemon on Pokemon sapphire?

you go to your bag and select it click give and ur Pokemon will pop up give itt to the pkmn u want to hold it the holder of the item will most likely not be the first to attack but will grow levels faster