Once it has evolved from a Kadabra, Alakazam cannot learn Roleplay. However Kadabra learns it at level 33.
The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.
Alakazam cannot learn any HM moves.
yes it can
No, i dont think so... maybe alakazam.... but not kadabra
since it is a psychic Pokemon alakazam is weak to dark types, ghost types and bug types. any Pokemon from that category is a good match against it, but be careful as alakazam can learn focus punch and focus blast, which are deadly to dark types, also alakazam has high stats being the king of psychic types in generation one. personally i would chose butterfree as it's sleep powder would make alakazam fall asleep and the bug moves would greatly affect it. however there is a flaw if the alakazam has synchronise as it's ability because then you will be affected by the status moves you induce on it. so go with a strong ghost type such as banette or gengar to combat alakazam.
The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.
Alakazam cannot learn any HM moves.
Kadabra and Alakazam both learn Psychic at level 40.
My Kadabra can't so I doubt that Alakazam can.
yes it can
Level 33
Probably but you have to migrate it to diamond, pearl or platinum to find out.
No, i dont think so... maybe alakazam.... but not kadabra
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since it is a psychic Pokemon alakazam is weak to dark types, ghost types and bug types. any Pokemon from that category is a good match against it, but be careful as alakazam can learn focus punch and focus blast, which are deadly to dark types, also alakazam has high stats being the king of psychic types in generation one. personally i would chose butterfree as it's sleep powder would make alakazam fall asleep and the bug moves would greatly affect it. however there is a flaw if the alakazam has synchronise as it's ability because then you will be affected by the status moves you induce on it. so go with a strong ghost type such as banette or gengar to combat alakazam.
Alakazam, Gengar, KAdabra, sneasel, sandslash and others