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You can't, unless your using mods.

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Q: How do you make a wooden chest plate on minecraft?
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What armor can you make in Minecraft?

Helmet, chest plate, leggings, and boots.

How do you make a chest in minecraft pe?

you need eight wooden planks and one crafting table

How do you make a wooden chestplate and wooden helmet in minecraft?

You cannot craft it. Sorry.

How do you make a treasure chest on minecraft?

Place 8 wooden planks of any color in a square formation in a crafting table, leaving the middle center space empty.

How does one craft a wooden chest in Minecraft?

As described by the eHow article, wooden chests can be made via the following steps: collect four wooden blocks by felling trees; place the wood in the crafting table to make wooden planks; and place the wooden planks in a hollow square in the crafting table. The chest will then be crafted. For more information, see the eHow article or watch the tutorial video on Youtube.

How do you make a large chest in minecraft?

To make a large chest place two normal-sized chests next to each other. To make a normal sized chest go to your crafting table and put wooden planks on the 9 by 9 grid like this: W = Wooden planks N = Nothing WWW WNW WWW

How do you make a breast plate in minecraft?

The crafting grid recipe to make a chest plate (breast plate) in Minecraft is: x - x x x x x x x Where "-" is a blank space and "x" is the material that you are using (leather, iron, gold, diamond, or fire (which will create chainmail armour; you need an inventory editor for that, of course!).)

How do you make wooden walls in Minecraft?

You just build up.

What shall you make on minecraft?

first of all wooden planks

How do you craft a bowl in minecraft pe?

make a bucket out of wooden planks.

What does 8 wooden planks and 1 diamond make in minecraft?

8 wooden planks and 1 diamond makes a jukebox on Minecraft. You can play music discs that you find using this.

How do you make a furnise on minecraft?

Like a chest, but replace the wood with cobblestone.