rocket league! all the wayz
501973307 (Mesh)
U make a roblox with cheeze
Firstly, while in a game, select the rocket launcher in your inventory. Then, aim at the place where you want the rocket to travel to. Finally, click the left button on your mouse or trackpad. The rocket should start moving.
to fight in roblox you first need a tool selected like the rocket tool or the kick tool or the most used ketena sword tool. and then just start using it agenst your component. example: with the rocket selected click on your component to fire a missile at them.
rocket league! all the wayz
Fire is useful for a lot of things on Roblox. For example, you can use it to make campfires and rocket flames. With a little scripting, flames on Roblox can also be used made to burn structures down.
501973307 (Mesh)
U make a roblox with cheeze
Firstly, while in a game, select the rocket launcher in your inventory. Then, aim at the place where you want the rocket to travel to. Finally, click the left button on your mouse or trackpad. The rocket should start moving.
Click and hold-and you will go up for a short while.
to fight in roblox you first need a tool selected like the rocket tool or the kick tool or the most used ketena sword tool. and then just start using it agenst your component. example: with the rocket selected click on your component to fire a missile at them.
Rocket launchers are for vets since rocket launchers were there since the dawn of time. Well it depends if its that rusty old rocket launcher. If it is that new rocket launcher you find on free models than yes it is for noobs. So you're answer is yes and no
grab a rocket launcher and blow up everything. But be careful your account could be deleted.
you can check my youtube channel for tutriols for roblox games :)
You can make an account on a test server what you need to do is make an account on normal roblox then sign-in using your normal account
The way rockets work is by modifying the velocity and body-gyro of the rocket brick. In simplified terms, after thee rocket is "created" the script detects and saves the direction the rocket is pointing.The script uses the body gyro to lock the rocket brick in the said direction and suspend the rocket in the air; then it modifies the velocity to propel the rocket forward.