Use a chisel, if you have the required crafting level, on it.
you stick in there and push hard and have fun you will need sex is an idle babe
a sapphire from an uncut sapphire by using a chisle on it, and smelt a gold bar into a sapphire necklace.
to make sapphire rings, you must have a bar of gold, a polished sapphire and a ring mold in your inventory, and use the gold bar on a furnace
You will need the following items:The Required Levels.1x Cut Sapphire, if it is uncut simply use a chisel on it to cut it.1x Ball of Wool1x Gold Bar1x Amulet MouldRunes for Level-1 Enchant. OptionalTo make the amulet you do the following:Go to Falador, this is the best place to go for this kind of thing since there is a bank nearby a furnace, Alternatively you can go to Edgeville.Make sure you have the listed items above with you, then head to the furnace.Once at the furnace, use a gold bar on it and click the Sapphire Amulet Icon.Once you have the Amulet piece in your inventory, use a Ball of Wool on it to complete the amulet.This part is where you repeat steps 2-4 until you have as many as you need, and optionally you can enchant them to make Amulet of Magic's.
you can get HM 1 cut at cutter`s house in Rusboro city.
get any jewels and a chisel and with the right crafting level you can cut them!
a sapphire from an uncut sapphire by using a chisle on it, and smelt a gold bar into a sapphire necklace.
you get gold bars and a ring mold and a sapphire go to a furnes and click sapphire ring
to make sapphire rings, you must have a bar of gold, a polished sapphire and a ring mold in your inventory, and use the gold bar on a furnace
Cut oak logs
50 Xp per ring made
You need to make a bullseye lantern and make a sapphire lens. Also oil so it will burn. Lit it by them and they will take you across.
in sapphire at rustboro an rustboro on sapphire
Search how do you make a magic amulet, then just skip the enchant part. (Amulet mould + cut sapphire + ball of wool + gold bar + furnace.)
The largest cut brown sapphire in the world is the Ophir Brown Sapphire. The Ophir Brown Sapphire weighs 5,905 carats and has been recognized by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ as the largest cut brown sapphire in the world. The Ophir Brown Sapphire is owned by Ophir Collection, LLC.
Ask some players through out runescape
You cut every gem with a chisel.
You can cut onyx, make them into necklaces to make a hughe profit, for even more profit enchant it to make an amulet of fury.