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go on player card then go on edit playercard

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Q: How do you make a custom emblum on black ops?
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How do you name your custom in call of duty black ops ps3?

go to the custom and press square

What Do you unlock for secound prestige in black ops?

You get a new custom class to make. You usually have 5 custom classes to make and 5 that are made for you that you can not change. Each time you prestige another class turns into a custom class until all the classes are custom classes.

How do you create your own custom game mode on cod black ops?

you cant

What is Custom Class 10 in Call of Duty Black Ops?

the class you get after i believe reaching prestige 14. its the 10th custom class you get

How do you use custom mod in black ops?

You go in private match then in settings then do what you need to do.

How do you mod Black ops?

JTAG(depends) or transfer cable but you can change their speed in customized class(Not allow Custom class) which means you make the class...and ETC.

Can you get achievements in black ops 2 custom games?

i think. i got don't fire until you see in a custom game with easy difficulty

How do you get ulimited ammo in black ops nazi zombies?

No way, unless using custom mod.

How do you make custom settings in call of duty black ops?

It's only on xbox LIVE but you go on customize than character the you start customizing!Hope it helped.

How do you make a montage on Call of Duty Black Ops?

You can't make one on black ops, you can on your computer, though.

How do you rate custom games in cod black ops?

First you play it then I don't care figure it out yourself

How do you put your custom logo on your gun in black ops?

You have to purchase Emblem for 1000 Points in create a class.