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Press e and m.

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12y ago

press e then m

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Q: How do you make a coin emote on club penguin?
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How do you make a thank you face emote in club penguin?

There's no emote such as a 'Thank You face' emote on club penguin.

How do you make a food emote on club penguin?

They're 2 types of food emotes on Club Penguin. There is the Pizza Emote and the Cake Emote. You can make the Pizza Emote by pressing the two letters, "e" and, "z" on your keyboard. You can make the Cake Emote by pressing the two letters, "e" and, "k" on your keyboard. Written by the penguin: Jellyfish33

How do you make the money emote on club penguin?

Press E, and then M WITHOUT typing it into the Chat bar. Then, your penguin will make the coin symbol.

How do you make club penguin puffle icon?

To make the puffle emote, press E + P on your keyboard. This is called a hidden emote. Have you ever tried pressing E with every letter on the keyboard one by one?

Where is the dance emote on Club Penguin?

To dance you could press "d" and to fart and make the dance icon you press e hold it down and then press t

How do you make pizza with an apron on in club penguin?

You must be wearing the pizza apron, which is only available to members in the catalog. Then, use the pizza emote to flip and make pizzas. If you make five, you earn a stamp.

How do you make the sun emote on clubpenguin?

Press E + D on your keyboard. There are a lot of hidden smilies like this on club penguin. Try pressing E with every letter on your keyboard!

How do you make the music note emote on club pengwin?

hit ey

What is the coins cheat in Club Penguin?

if you want coin use money maker it will not make you banned

How do you make a coin thought on club penguin?

You must press E then press M on your keyboard.

How do you make your penguin flip on Club Penguin?

Its imposible to make your penguin flip on club penguin.

Where is Club Penguin HTML?

you mean for a club penguin trainer or to make a widget for club penguin?