To dance you could press "d" and to fart and make the dance icon you press e hold it down and then press t
Well, you have to have a Pizza Apron for that and then go to the pizza parlor and dance 5 times using the emote.
E + p
Well, you have to have a Pizza Apron for that and then go to the pizza parlor and dance 5 times using the emote.
E+H E is for Emote, H is for Heart. And you can click the emote button and it shows all kinds of emotes.
E+M (stands for emote+money)
There's no emote such as a 'Thank You face' emote on club penguin.
No, but you can do the heart emote. >;/
Press EP. Then the puffle emote shows.
Well, you have to have a Pizza Apron for that and then go to the pizza parlor and dance 5 times using the emote.
E + p
They're 2 types of food emotes on Club Penguin. There is the Pizza Emote and the Cake Emote. You can make the Pizza Emote by pressing the two letters, "e" and, "z" on your keyboard. You can make the Cake Emote by pressing the two letters, "e" and, "k" on your keyboard. Written by the penguin: Jellyfish33
Well, you have to have a Pizza Apron for that and then go to the pizza parlor and dance 5 times using the emote.
press et
there is one its e t
BL means the emote . . __
E+H E is for Emote, H is for Heart. And you can click the emote button and it shows all kinds of emotes.
No the skull emote is no longer available because some players found it offensive