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First, you need a crafting table (If you haven't made one).

Secondly, find trees around your world. Mine about 1~3 tree blocks.

Than press the key 'E' while on minecraft. An inventory menu will show up.

You will notice that there is a 2x2 grid labled 'Crafting'. Place your tree blocks

in the grid (You will recieve 4 wooden planks for each tree block).

Now, place the wooden planks in the 2x2 grid, but place 4 of them.

Than you will recieve a block called 'Crafting table'. Now exit your inventory,

and place your crafting table by Right Clicking with a mouse.

Than right click the block once more. Now you will see a 3x3 crafting grid.

Place 8 wooden planks (Requires 2 tree blocks) on the edge of the grid.


1= Wooden planks

0= Blank space

Crafting grid

1 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1
You take wooden planks and go to your crafting bench, then put the wooden planks in the top row, the bottom row, the middle left, and the middle right.
Go on the crafting table and do the same recipe as the furnace,but wood instead
Go to a crafting bench and put wood everywhere except in the middle. Voila.
On a crafting table, place wooden planks in every square except the middle one.

(To get wooden planks, place logs on a crafting table or in the craft slot of your inventory)



W 0 W


(W = wooden planks. 0 = nothing/air).

You can look for all the crafting recipes on the Minecraft Wiki.
Wooden planks all around an empty square.

in a crafting bench, you put 8 planks in the crafting squares around the edge, so theres just one empty square in the middle.

you can go to the minecraft wiki for all the crafting recipes in the game. just Google search minepedia.
the [-]'s are all wooden planks in a crafting tables chart. all (0)'s are empty spaces.

[-] [-] [-]

[-] (0) [-]

[-] [-] [-]

PS if you place 2 chests next to each other, it makes one big chest.

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Q: How do you make a chest in minecraft?
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