come up to that girl when shes in a whatever mood and say its not working out! shell understand might cry but its life right? Make the girl act stupid, do gross things, and embarass herself and the boy. Then you can count on a breakup.
You can make your Moshi Monster either a boy or a girl so it does not really matter. Moshi Monsters does not tell you the gender!
he is a boy just that they were originaly goin to make him into a girl but they decide to go with it bein a boy and just keep the voiceFreiza is a he. The people who licensed DBZ, and made it Dubbed made him sound like a girl, so people tend to get confused.
His Snivy is a girl. And Pikachu is a boy.
a boy.
Dump him.
This depends totally on the circumstances. One person "dumps" another because they no longer wish to maintain the relationship.
cause hes a jerk
you dump him
just tell him i want to dump you
Dump Her.
You don't because it's a horrible thing to do.
just dump her!
come up to that girl when shes in a whatever mood and say its not working out! shell understand might cry but its life right? Make the girl act stupid, do gross things, and embarass herself and the boy. Then you can count on a breakup.
becose girls are dump and ont satisfy with one boy
You can not make a boy avatar on It Girl. Even if a boy plays, they can only make girl avatars.
Yes you can make girl and boy twins