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The best way to make a good Pokemon deck is to build it good.

Here's how:

  • Decide what your type should be. They should compliment each other, such as Fire/Electric. Fire types don't stand a chance against Water, so you would make it half Electric to fight off the water.
  • Now that you have your types covered, lets go over the Pokemon. Try to learn all of the Pokemon of the type(s) that you selected (ex. learn from catalogs, magazines, other players, etc.) and try to make a good strategy. If you don't have the cards you're looking for, TRADE! It's the best way to get cards.
  • Once you get your Pokemon, there should be a limit. I suggest your Pokemon not be more than 30 cards, or half of your deck, but most decks run 10-25 Pokemon.
  • If you're looking for strength and docking, or owning, your opponents, you should have a major tree, which contains 4 Basic, 3 Stage 1, and 2 Stage 2. Others should be supporting minor trees, or 2 Basic, 1 Stage 1, or other basics. You should decide; it's YOUR deck.
  • Now with Pokemon covered, next should be trainers. Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums are the heart and soul of your deck. Most players run 20-25, but it varies depending on the Pokemon. A couple of your trainers should be healers, such as Potion, Moomoo Milk (recommended), and Life Herbs (best, but bad with 50% chance of working) to keep your Pokemon, especially Stage 2's, alive.
  • Next should be Power-Gainers, such as Expert Belts and/or Pluspowers, just to give your Pokemon that little more power.
  • Your Supporters should be, varying on the deck, Bebe's Searches, Roseanne's Researches (not recommended due to being booted starting September), and draw power cards, such as Professor Oak's visit, Emcee's Chatter, and Bill/Mom's Kindness.
  • Stadiums help both you AND your opponent, but, of course, they should be in YOUR favor. If you run a deck that is all, or half, Grass or Psychic, try playing two Miasma Valleys, or just one, if preferred. Miasma Valley, whenever you or your opponent puts down a Basic that's NOT Grass or Psychic, they receive 2 damage counters just for being on the bench, which can be in your favor.
  • Last, but not least, is your Energy Cards. Without them, how will you attack, or worse yet, win? Energy cards give your Pokemon energy used to pull off attacks. Most players play 15-25 Energies, but again depending on your deck, it'll vary. If you run, for instance, a Electric deck, you're gonna want to put Electric Energies in there. If you put anything else besides colorless, you will run the risk of drawing the wrong Energy, and get stuck or lose.

These are only the basics to building a good deck. You can build it yourself. If you're new, ask a professional or gaming shop manager about your deck and see if they can tweak it. If you're STILL confused, department stores, such as: Walmart and K-Mart sell pre-made decks, that can be played right out of the box for about $10-15.

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