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pictures of all of the cards you get in a pokemon theme deck

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Q: What kind of cards do you get in a Pokemon theme deck pictures?
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Related questions

How many pokemon cards are in a theme deck?

there are 60 cards in a Pokemon deck and there are only supposed to be 60 cards in a deck. if you buy a theme deck, then you will get 60 cards in the deck and a Pokemon card pack that contains 11 cards, so you basically get 71 cards in all.

When you get a Pokemon card deck do get energy cards to?

yes you do in a theme deck.

What Pokemon cards do you get from the Zekrom theme deck?

I wouldn't want to spoil it! All i will say is that Zekrom is in the deck and a few other good Pokemon ;) ;)

How do you build a Pokemon tcg deck?

You should probably start by buying a theme deck. Then you can purchase booster packs. The cards in the booster packs can be used in your deck.

How many cards have pictures on them in a deck on cards?


How do you trade Pokemon cards?

First buy a theme deck or promo tin, there's a rulebook inside. Or, you can go on the website at

What are Pokemon decks?

Pokemon decks are a deck of Pokemon cards.

What game starts with the letter p?

* Parcheesi * Peanuckle (sp?) card game * Password * Poker * Pokeno (like bingo, cards are pictures from a deck of cards, use a deck as calling cards, cover with red poker chips) * Phase 10 (card game, uses a special deck)

How many cards are you allowed in a pokemon deck?

60, You can only have four cards with the same name in the deck.

What Pokemon theme deck has the ancient pyramid symbol?

The Theme Deck with the Ancient Mayan Pyramid symbol is Neo Discovery.

What Pokemon deck has Rampardos EX?

No deck has Rampardos EX. The Skull charge theme deck has rampardos.

How much is a magic the gathering theme deck?

60-75 cards,