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to make tnt explode you can either A. put a redstone torch next to it B. Put a button next to it and push it C. put a lever down next to it and activate lever D. place a presure pad infront of it and step on the pad

To destroy things on minecraft hold down your left mouse button, to change go in options and controls

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Q: How do you make TNT explode and destroy things on minecraft?
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How do you make TNT do player damage but not explode in Minecraft?

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How do you make TNT explode on the free version of Minecraft?

If you mean classic (Which I think you do) It wasn't made to explode (as is: It can't)

How do you make TNT explode on minecraft?

I assume you mean TNT. All you have to do is hit it.

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in star wars battlefront 2 you can't make the capital ships explode you can only destroy its critical systems to gain points such as: the life support (destroy it inside the ship or on the outside the ship) and the same with the shield generator and the engines, bridge, coms relay, and the short range coms system, after all the points on the ship have been destroyed the ship will not explode there is no way to make it explode. its quite complicated.

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