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In Rustboro City left from the Pokemon Center is a house. Go inside there should be a guy and talk to him.

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Q: How do you learn cut in sapphire?
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How can your Pokemon learn to cut in ruby version?

your Pokemon CANT learn cut in ruby, sapphire or emerald. you have to trade a Pokemon that's holding the TM cut (from sinnoh region game, platinum, diamond and pearl) then take it off them and they can learn cut.

Where do you learn cut in Pokemon sapphire?

search all houses in rustboro

Can venomoth learn cut?

well, i have this pokemon guide at home but its really (and i mean really) old and it said that venomoth could not learn cut. this guide only worked for ruby and sapphire so...

What town do you get TM cut at?

in sapphire at rustboro an rustboro on sapphire

What is the largest cut brown sapphire in the world?

The largest cut brown sapphire in the world is the Ophir Brown Sapphire. The Ophir Brown Sapphire weighs 5,905 carats and has been recognized by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ as the largest cut brown sapphire in the world. The Ophir Brown Sapphire is owned by Ophir Collection, LLC.

Sapphire what is the value of gray star sapphire weight is 20.00cts?

Without photos the prices of natural gray star sapphire cannot be judged. I have to look into quality, cut, color, clarity, inclusions etc. for the price of natural gemstone. Visit my website satvikgems to learn about the parameters to check.

Can sceptile learn blizzard sapphire?

No, Sceptile cannot learn Blizzard.

Can marill learn surf on sapphire?

Yes, Marill can learn Surf.

Pokemon Sapphire who can learn flash?

The following Pokemon that you can easily get to learn Flash in Sapphire: Beautifly or Dustox Lotad or Lombre Oddish Gloom

Who can learn covet in sapphire?

Linoone and Slaking.

Can Charizard learn heatwave in sapphire?

No, Heat Wave is a Generation IV move. Sapphire is a Generation III game. CHARIZARD can't learn it with Sapphire, but Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold... they'll all work!

What does Marquis mean in reference to a type of sapphire?

A Marquis sapphire refers to a specific cut of sapphire gemstone that is elongated with pointed ends resembling an elliptical shape. This cut maximizes the carat weight of the stone while enhancing the appearance of its brilliance and color.