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You can take them to Dr. Footsteps to get them evaluated, or you can check on the friendship app on the poketch.

If you go to the valor lake front, there should be a little house close to the entrance to pastoria city. Make sure the Pokemon you want to check is first in your party, and then talk to the man inside. He will tell what your Pokemon thinks of you.You can also go to the Pokemon fan club in hearthome city, and the lady there will you tell as well.

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Q: How do you know when a Pokemon is happy in Platinum?
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By Making It Happy Guest I Know All About Pokemon Platinum Diamon And Pearl. See Ya

How do you know when your Pokemon is happy in Pokemon Platinum?

there is an app on the poketch that when you touch the Pokemon hearts appear above it, if the hearts are small then go big and then bigger it loves you fully

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it says "platinum" on the box

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i don't know :( lol i know you go to that Pokemon place and get it

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Everyone Happy Wi-fi Connection

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I don't know, I don't have Pokemon platinum

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No, there is no data of Pokemon black or white in Pokemon platinum so it won't know about any of the pokemon.

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get an eevee then make it happy in the afternoon or morning only then level it.

Can you have Mario as a Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

everybody knows you can get Mario as a Pokemon on Pokemon platinum but if you wan't to know how scroll down( a lot) you can not get Mario ha ha i tricked you

In Pokemon platinum when can you go into the basement?

i dont know what basment i dont have platinum i know this has helped dont thank me