If you want to kill it make it starve and dont give it what it wants if it gets what it gets what it wants it will survive if that doesn't work delite the sim if you hate it so much
no you cannot. I was looking for cheats and i came across a person who claimed they had twins on the sims 2 castaway for wii.
You can't have a baby on sims 2 castaway for wii
NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.
You don't
You dont.
you can find them in all different places on different islands
Use another sim to make death daisy poison and come back to life.
You can go to them and get the death daisies and then make a death daisy potion to make them come back to life....
no you cannot. I was looking for cheats and i came across a person who claimed they had twins on the sims 2 castaway for wii.
don't feed them and let them suffer.
On the sims2 for playstation2, xbox, and wii you cannot have a baby. You also cannot adopt. You can only have a baby on the sims2 and sims for the computer (pc or mac). Some cheats online whill lead you to belive that you CAN have a baby on playstaion2, xbox, and wii for sim2 but you cannot. I have tried and researched, the makers only did the baby making thing for computers. This also gos for all other playstaion2, xbox, and wii sims2 exspansions, like sims2 pets, castaway and many others. I hope this helped to answer your question! HAPPY SIMMING!!! : )
When your sim dies have another sim mourn the grave then a other option comes up saying pick death daisy
you can't get cheese on the sims castaway for wii!
To make clothes on sims2 castaway wii. ether find boxes on the shore and open them or... go to the top left corner of your screen with your wii remote and click on the top thing then go on plans then go on clothes!
You can't have a baby on sims 2 castaway for wii
yes, you can try starving them by building a wall around them and leaving them to die.