no you cannot. I was looking for cheats and i came across a person who claimed they had twins on the sims 2 castaway for wii.
You can't have a baby on sims 2 castaway for wii
NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.
no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC
You don't
You can't have a baby on sims 2 castaway for wii
no you cannot
you can't get cheese on the sims castaway for wii!
You cant, it does not allow you too have a family.
NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.
You're sims can not have a baby (i think I've answered this question 5 times today haha)
No you can not
nope not in this game
no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC
You don't