Don't touch it; don't drag it to the desktop. and if you do, just go to FINDER, APPLICATIONS, then drag "dashboard" back onto the dock. == ==
Go the the North part of the Monkey Foot hills. Keep going until you are in the ocean. Swim toward the sea serpent in the water. At the front of the serpent is a dock. Talk to the person on the dock.
Yes, but you can also buy a charging dock so you dont have to keep using batteries.
You go fishing by the dock .... where the hook is! on the dock walk to the very end the go a little right but keep forward... go fishing you will probably find a puffer 1st and then next try you will find the saury! good luck!
Bing is on the new dashboard, if you have the new dashboard, you will have bing. If you do not have the new dashboard, you can download it from the Xbox official website. Follow all instructions on how to install the update.
A dock
To close the Dell Dock, right click on it and select "Close the dock". Click on "Yes" (Close the dock). (Click on "No" (Keep the dock running) or the button to cancel.) If you don't want to be asked this question again in the future, check the box next to "Don't ask me this question again".
The grith, i think?
OK, so I have found the answer now :D If you open the dock (find it on the tray menu with an HP symbol on it, then right click on it, there will be lots of options HP Dashboard, HP Adviser, click on HP Dock, then it will open.) Then on the HP symbol (the same one) click on it and a menu will come down, it says HP Advisor underneath the symbol, then go onto Dashboard and a window will appear, it will have info about printers, firewalls, ect, if at the top PC Dashboard is selected, there are two other options (PC Alerts & PC Discovery) make sure PC Dashboard is selected, then at the very bottom left on a grey strip it will say Preferences, click on that and a small window will appear, on the top there are three options, General, HP Messaging and About, make sure General is selected, then there are two check boxes, Launch Advisor PC Dock at every boot and Update Marketing Content via the Internet, if you want the HP Adviser Dock to launch automatically make sure the top bock is checked, if you don't un-check. I hope this was helpful however long winded it was :D
The grith, i think?
Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.
The icons in the Dock at the bottom of a Mac's screen are shortcuts to launch your most used applications and documents. Clicking on an icon in the Dock and dragging it into the middle of the Mac's screen will remove the icon from the Dock. Icons can be restored by launching the application and clicking and holding on the icon that appears in the Dock and selecting Keep In The Dock from the menu that pops up.
Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.
Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.
Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.
Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.