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try implementing zombie type monsters in your dark deck, this is because Zombies almost always come back to the field and are great tribute monsters.

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Q: How do you improve your gates of the underworld deck?
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Name Greek god that guards the gates of Hades?

Pluto, also known as Hades. The gates to the underworld were his, hence the term gates of Hades.Answer 2: It is a bit difficult: Hades is the name of the underworld AND also the god of the underworld.

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Cerberus was the hound who guarded those gates.

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Hades' symbol is often depicted as a key because Hades is the god of the underworld, which includes gates to both the underworld and exit gates for souls. The key represents control over life and death, as well as the power to open and close the gates of the underworld.

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The Gates to the Underworld in Greek Mythology. Erebus is the god of darkness.

What is the name of the 3-headed dog that guards Hades?

Cerberus is the name of the dog that guards the gates to the underworld. Hades keeps the gates to the underworld protected by the three headed dog. Cerberus.

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No, a card named "Tour Bus from the Underworld" is not a valid target.

How was Cerberus and what happened to him?

In myth Cerberus is the three headed hound which guards the Underworld gates.

What is Cerberus purpose?

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