You Can't. And if you did, you would get in trouble because it is against the law.
And even if you knew it would be hard not getting caught, so my advice is: don´t hack.
you dont lol
You can get a LEGO UNIVERSE SPIDER if you send Pr Brickkeeper a letter saying GIMME A STICKER.
Just set up a Honey module
I don't know?Are you talking about the arcade game or destructiod?If you are,destrucdroid.
you get the potted plant blueprint
You hack it, then steal it
You can't cheat on my Lego network. The only way is to hack which ,would make it unfair on the other players
You shouldn't do that - after you're warned, if you persist you'll get your account terminated.
its possible if u hack i think but for now u cant do it
Visit Lego message boards and go on My Lego network. Lego network rank help and look for how to get to rank 1.
You had to be a Lego club page member, but my Lego network replaced that. (that was dumb)
I am mars256 and i have a jungle module on my Lego network.
the Lego tree moudle
LEGO newsletter and the Lego magazine.
Buy it!!
You buy them