GTS in jubilife city or one of the other floors in the Pokemon centers
to your question if you still play the game,mine is 0517 6442 1286 and my game name is chris. if you want to battle and trade, my e-mail address is e-mail me the date and time, the Pokemon level range (cant be over 70) the type of Pokemon and which citys Pokemon centers downstairs area to go to.
after you beat the elite four, you will be at your house. go watch the tv downstairs, which will mention a red pokemon. after that, latias will be spotted all across Hoenn
he is not in a city, he is in all Pokemon centers on the second floor when you go to the Nintendo event
The guide says you get it in the Pokemon center B1F(after reaching Violet city) Have at least 1 Pokemon other than your starter and go downstairs in a pokecenter.
There is a red thing downstairs go into it you will be that what your asking?
You have to go downstairs under Goldenrod City
nobody even knows
Go to the Pokemon center and go downstairs to the wifi station there you will need a PC aka computer and go to it and get off and save you will go to your pal pad and blanks friends code and done
Same way as SS. Go to the Burned Tower in Ecruteak, and go downstairs. Careful, first, you have to battle your rival. When you're downstairs, approach the Pokemon, and they run. Use the Pokegear to catch them. It's tedious and annoying, like catching the Lake Pokemon in D/P/Pt
Defeat Pokemon Leauge Champion then you wait to the credits finish then you automatically go back to your house then you go downstairs then your dad gives you a ticket.
GTS in jubilife city or one of the other floors in the Pokemon centers
to your question if you still play the game,mine is 0517 6442 1286 and my game name is chris. if you want to battle and trade, my e-mail address is e-mail me the date and time, the Pokemon level range (cant be over 70) the type of Pokemon and which citys Pokemon centers downstairs area to go to.
You have to catch XD001 and have a gameboy advance or SP and a cable that connects them. Then you go downstairs in the Pokemon center in Phenic city and follow the instructions.
Lets go downstairs!
go upstairs or downstairs in any Pokemon center. talk to a lady, and it will work IF someone is playing on the same game as you, in the Pokemon center also.
One can only go downstairs somewhere that there is stairs.