The guide says you get it in the Pokemon center B1F(after reaching Violet city)
Have at least 1 Pokemon other than your starter and go downstairs in a pokecenter.
pal park is at kanto at fuchia city
yes you can
Yes you can, either using Pal Park or just trading
Yes! if you put a Pokemon with ditto or two of the same Pokemon with opposite genders in the day care and leave them there , after a little bit the DC man will call and say your Pokemon has an egg! hope it helped. :) P.S. could you give me your pal pad number?
in the pal pad
Open your bag, go to key items select Pal Pad and select open
you hook up with your friends then ask for there code then tell the pal pad your friend name then when your friend call or what ever . it will say that it is your friend . it says your friend name
pal park is at kanto at fuchia city
I'm afraid you cant, only by pal park and trades with heart gold/ soul silver. there is only one in heart gold/ soul silver
You cant trade pokemon soul sliver to black or any game you could only trade black to black or white to black
You transfer pokémon from soul silver etc. To black
You cannot find Celebi in Heartgold or Soulsilver, with the exception of obtaining one in the forest of Pal Park.
The pal park is in Fushia City in Kanto.
If you wanna know what it is. It is the ID on the WI-FI to people. If you want some. This is mine Name: Hiroto Friend Code: 0518-2034-2501 :3
It's in Fuchsia city in Kanto.
yes you can