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Q: How do you get a pal pad Black version 2?
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Can you get the pal pad in Pokemon Black 2?

Yes, you can get the Pal Pad in Pokémon Black 2, all you have to do is connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi with your game and it will be given to you.

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How do you find out your friend code on Pokemon Black and White 2?

Nintendo 3DS games use a single friend code for the entire system. Your friend code should be listed in your system menu.

Can you put Pokemon back in the Pokemon soul silver game if you put them in the Pokemon Black version?

There is, late in the game, the option for Poketransfer, which requires 2 NDS systems. The transfer is permanent, and one way; you can send pokemon to Black/White/2 from any of the 5 previous NDS pokemon games in this way.

Can you get black ops 2 pal not ntsc?

The game will have a worldwide release on November 13 2012 and you should purchase the game from the correct location for your PS3. Amazon UK has PAL Black Ops , but it might not be correct for you

Is the English version of Pokemon white 2 out yet?

Pokémon Black 2 Version and White 2 Version will be availiable for English in September.

Can an American version of call of duty black ops 2 for ps3 work on a ps3 in Europe?

While the game is not yet out the American Game is designed for the American HDTV and so is the American PS3 and they are not compatible with Europe's PAL system

Can someone be friends with you in pokemon white?

Yes, they can be your friends. But you need Pal Pad. 1. click bag and find the Pal Pad. 2. Click A on the Pal Pad. 3.on the first can you see all your friends. on the second can you write the friend code and his/her name on the third you can see your friend code and tell it to other people so you can battle. 4. To battle you need: -Friend codes -Pal Pad -A pokemon center 5. Write a friend code and it will be saved.(you can anytime delete your friend) 6.Go to any pokemon center and go to the second floor. 7. Talk with the person in the middle. 8.Then you go to a room that you can battle your friend and have voice chat with them. 9. Enjoy it ! Hope it helps!! :D

Where is pal park in Pokemon pearl version?

Its near the first island on another 1 i think u have 2 get thenational pokedex

Where to buy European sonic adventure 2 battle?

Just go on eBay I bought a PAL version in January, they might be still there.

How do you activate scorestreaks on black ops 2?

you earn them and you press right on the d-pad

How do you get a Zekrom on Pokemon Black Version?

Either an event (which i doubt will happen due the Black 2 and White 2 being released) or you have to trade it online or with a friend from white version