GTS in jubilife city or one of the other floors in the Pokemon centers
To evolve Graveler in Pokemon Platinum, go to any Pokemon Center. Go upstairs. Go to the second lady at the counter. This gets you to the Union Room. If any other person [besides the creepy lady in the corner] is in there, talk to him/her. Do a pokemon trade with them. Trade Graveler with the other person's pokemon of their choice. After the trade, Graveler will evolve. Trade back the other person's pokemon and Voila! you have a Golem! Note: You cannot battle or trade with the creepy lady in the corner. She has no pokemon.
You have to trade the Pokemon to evolve it.
Give porygon an upgrade and trade it it evolve it. And of course you have to trade it back. Try this in Pokémon go!
you have to trade him. If you have anyother questions on Pokemon go to
you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar. you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar.
Ex: machoke...go to gts and send machoke (any pokemon that need to evolve) for trade then cancel the trade and get your pokemon back and out should evolve
To evolve Graveler in Pokemon Platinum, go to any Pokemon Center. Go upstairs. Go to the second lady at the counter. This gets you to the Union Room. If any other person [besides the creepy lady in the corner] is in there, talk to him/her. Do a pokemon trade with them. Trade Graveler with the other person's pokemon of their choice. After the trade, Graveler will evolve. Trade back the other person's pokemon and Voila! you have a Golem! Note: You cannot battle or trade with the creepy lady in the corner. She has no pokemon.
You have to trade the Pokemon to evolve it.
Give porygon an upgrade and trade it it evolve it. And of course you have to trade it back. Try this in Pokémon go!
you have to trade him. If you have anyother questions on Pokemon go to
ok you go to a pokecenter and go upstairs, then go to trade place. if someone else is there you can trade, and it will evolve into gigalith
yes. all you do is go to the poke'center and go to the wireless comunication room. there some person will assist you on how to trade, blahblahblah. how do you think special Pokemon evolve?
you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar. you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar.
You can't. You can either trade it to a person who will definitely trade it back, or wait for a person to trade a Pokemon that will evolve by trade to you
Yes. The pokemon is Haunter. In order to evolve Haunter you will have to trade him with a friend and he will evolve. Just trade back to get Gengar.
put it up for trade then go to your trade request and click call pokemon back to profile
u have to trade him then he will evolve in the trade