you have to trade him. If you have anyother questions on Pokemon go to
25 into Haunter and then if u trade Haunter he evolves into Gengar
You will need to level up Haunter to level 50 to evolve it in Pokemon Resolute.
Haunter evolves through a trade.
you have to trade
no level you have to trade dude
25 into Haunter and then if u trade Haunter he evolves into Gengar
You will need to level up Haunter to level 50 to evolve it in Pokemon Resolute.
You have to trade it to evolve it.
Haunter evolves through a trade.
Gahstly will evolve at lvl25 to Haunter then trade haunter to evolve to a Gengar.
Gastly evolves into Haunter at level 25, then trade it and it will evolve again into Gengar.
you have to trade
it does not evolve, you have to trade it first.Also if you trade your medicham for a haunter in snowpoint city haunter will not evolve to gengar because she gave it an everstone.not true- im not sure what level but my haunter evolved into gengar and the girl in snowpoint gave my a gengarIts not Gengar she just named is Gaspar because of how close it is and yea u have to trade
You have to trade haunter to a friend to evolve it.
no level you have to trade dude
Haunter will evolve into Gengar when it is traded. It doesn't matter what level it is, just trade it with someone and when they get it it will evolve into Gengar, then get them to trade it back to you.
Haunter can level up and evolve. It evolves by trading with another player.