To get a cellphone you need to get university. Then you can buy cellphones. Or you can use the cheat boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and right click on your sim and click the Give sim a cell phone option
On the Sims 2 you can not buy a cell phone. However, you can buy a home phone and you can do most of the things a cell phone does. I hope this helped!
in sims 2 you usually just look in a telescope at night for a while, not sure about sims 2 pets give it a try anyway
You can get stairs in the sims 2 for the PC! :]
You can't get your Sims pregnant on any console Sims games. It has to be on the PC game in order to get your Sims pregnant.
they cant. sims only get prego. on pc.
On the Sims 2 you can not buy a cell phone. However, you can buy a home phone and you can do most of the things a cell phone does. I hope this helped!
get up your cheat box (ctrl, shift and c) then type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" without the ", then hold shift and click on your charactor. find the 'give sims cellphone' option and click it. then you have your cellphone(:
Yes there is a Sims 2 for PC, they are working on the Sims 3.
Well, it depends. You can either use The Sims 2 PC DVD thingy or The Sims 2 Deluxe Addition. I use The Sims 2 PC DVD one and it worked! So, happy gaming!
in sims 2 you usually just look in a telescope at night for a while, not sure about sims 2 pets give it a try anyway
The PC Platform for the game 'The Sims 2' is about 8gb...
You can only play sims 2 pets on PC if you have the Sims 2 core game.
i dont think you can have concerts on Sims 2 Pets (pc)
If you have the sims 2 on PC you can buy expansions for it. In the sims 2 nightlife expansion pack you can buy cars.
All the Sims 2 cheats are the same.It doesn't matter which Sims 2 game you're playing on pc.
for the ''sims 2 pets'' for pc, sims can have babies but for ''the sims 2'' for playstation 2, you cant have babies