feed it or take it for walks can also give it a bath and don't ask me why but it gives your puffle energy.
Hi my penguin name is coolcrank619 and i am gonna tell u what u can do as a member on club penguin. You can buy any puffle u want You can buy any cloths u want You can decorate ur igloo as u want And you can do lost of other exciting things. If you need me ill always be on husky or if its full hockey and if that's full Alaska.
The real question is, why are you playing club penguin? Hello kitty online is what its all about.
This is impossible unless you have a certain type of computer, and you can get into a full room.
yes you can! my names kiki barrow and i have a full one. Just go to clubpenguiniscool and become a member and you are good to go. i love club penguin. its literally my life.
I think its about 150-200 (penguins)
Keep walking until you see a full bag of Puffle-Os and then get your scissors from your spy phone and cut them down and then feed it to the hungry puffle.
Feed It.
Due to a glitch, in 2008 you could get into a full server on club penguin but now club penguin has fixed that glitch. Thus, now you can't get into a full server on club penguin.
Right now there is no game that the blue puffle plays. If you have any questions meet Candygirl767 and Ripcord27 at 5:30 - 8;30 at crunch if it is full go on vanilla. On Friday Saturday and Sunday.
there is no way to become a green puffle but u can buy one when u become a member on club penguin thanks iof ur reading this and u no tht there is a way to get onto a full server on club penguin let me no asap thanks again
Hi my penguin name is coolcrank619 and i am gonna tell u what u can do as a member on club penguin. You can buy any puffle u want You can buy any cloths u want You can decorate ur igloo as u want And you can do lost of other exciting things. If you need me ill always be on husky or if its full hockey and if that's full Alaska.
Wait until it is not full.
you can't
servers might be full
There is none.
your mailbox may be full