The real question is, why are you playing Club Penguin? Hello kitty online is what its all about.
trumpet, drums, guitar (bass, acoustic,electric) and mabye tuba
This is impossible unless you have a certain type of computer, and you can get into a full room.
yes you can! my names kiki barrow and i have a full one. Just go to clubpenguiniscool and become a member and you are good to go. i love club penguin. its literally my life.
I think its about 150-200 (penguins)
When you first make a club penguin account, you have the letter p and then numbers. That is because, when you first start, your full name will not be revealed. Club Penguin had gotten issues from other penguins that had not been safe. Because of that, they give you a nick name, and when you start playing for a few days, they will understand that you are not a UNSAFE dude and they will reveal your name after that. P.S. Club Penguin rocks!
Well the club penguin band is for the club penguin team but... You can join a band at the light house on full servers. You can name your band buy things for your band at the gift shop. Or you can just dance or sing with your band on the stage at the light house. Hope you have fun with your new band! -Missy
trumpet, drums, guitar (bass, acoustic,electric) and mabye tuba
Due to a glitch, in 2008 you could get into a full server on club penguin but now club penguin has fixed that glitch. Thus, now you can't get into a full server on club penguin.
They are always on full servers either at the iceberg or backstage. Or it can also be at the beach.
Wait until it is not full.
you can't
servers might be full
There is none.
your mailbox may be full
You wait for someone to leave then run in as you can't use your spy phone to get in until someone leaves the full room
In order to become a secret agent in Club Penguin, your penguin must be a full 30 days old