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The more often you hire them, the harder they'll work. When you go to hire them you'll notice a colored bar below their category. Each time you put them to work, that bar will grow a bit. The bigger the bar, the harder they work. (It will also cost more to hire them as they get faster)

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Q: How do you get your harvest sprites to work harder on harvest moon ds?
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How do you get harvest sprites in harvest moon ds?

you befriend the ones you have

How do you rescue all the harvest sprites on harvest moon ds?

You need to do certain requirements. You should mostly aim for 60 sprites because when you do then you can get married, and rescue the harvest sprites. then work your way up from there. Here are a few easy ones: Chop 100 small sticks with your axe. destroy 100 small roks with your hammer Press 'a' on the fountain in front of romana's mansion press 'a' on the water well next to he blue bar. More information to finding the harvest sprites can be found here:

What is a code for all sprites AR?

DON'T USE THAT CHEAT!! trust me i used it because i got board of trying to find the harvest sprites and it gave me 100 of the 101 missing harvest sprites. i know you only need 60 to unlock the harvest goddess but by using this cheat you don't get her. sorry for the bad news :( what happened to me but if you want to check for yourself because you never know i might work for you i got the code from: i hope it works for you, maybe i was just unlucky. hope i helped :)

Why does my cheats for Harvest Moon fomt not work?

mabye those cheats are rong. that's what i think

How do you connect Harvest Moon DS cute to harvest moon more friends of mineral town?

to connect you need both games and a ds or ds light [a dsi or dsxl dose not work] you put both games in the system game boy game in the game boy slot and the ds game in the ds slot] and play harvest moon ds cute. it also tells you how to do this in the harvest moon ds cute guide. it only connects to harvest moon ds cute because harvest moon more friends of mineral town is older and can not connect to a new anything because the programing did not exist before it came out

Related questions

In harvest moon island of happiness how do the harvest sprites ever work for you?

The Harvest Sprites will never work for you.

How do you get harvest sprites in harvest moon ds?

you befriend the ones you have

Is there a cheat for getting 60 harvest sprites on harvest moon ds?

NO, there is no cheat to get 60 Harvest Sprites on Harvest Moon DS. However, there is a handy website which tells you HOW to get them, even if you do have to work for them. The site:

What are harvest sprites for on Harvest Moon?

they help you w/ your work also on harvest moon ds they have a casino where you can earn ALOT of metals and trade them in fir stuff

Why won't channel 3 work in harvest moon ds?

You can unlock this channel by finding 20 Sprites. If you haven't found 20 sprites it will not work.

How do you get all 101 sprites on harvest moon?

you have to work for them like cut pieces of sticks or stones or watever

How do you rescue all the harvest sprites on harvest moon ds?

You need to do certain requirements. You should mostly aim for 60 sprites because when you do then you can get married, and rescue the harvest sprites. then work your way up from there. Here are a few easy ones: Chop 100 small sticks with your axe. destroy 100 small roks with your hammer Press 'a' on the fountain in front of romana's mansion press 'a' on the water well next to he blue bar. More information to finding the harvest sprites can be found here:

Why won't channel 3 work on harvest moon ds?

you have to unlock it Channel 3, Sprite ProfileYou can find more information on what certain Sprites like as their favorite and hated items, and even when their birthdays are. You can unlock this channel by finding 20 Sprites. This channel also has a hint section where you can get clues on finding hidden Spritesneed more help? go to --------------harvest moon helper oscar71298

How do you make the harvest sprites heal you in harvest moon?

Well, in Harvest Moon Ds, in order to get the harvest sprites to heal you, you need to get at least one of those sprites belonging to that group. Then, you go to the sprite tree and ask the sprite at the counter for them to heal you. It will require medals, though. Hope this helps.

Channel 3 in harvest moon ds cute?

Channel 3 is the harvest sprite channel. It gives you hints on where to find sprites and it also will tell you what certain sprites like and when their birthday is. If you give them a present on their birthday (or not on their bday it doesnt really matter) it will increase their liking for you and they'll do work for you for less medals. email the harvest moon ds expert at -- I promise it isn't a prank or joke if you have any questions you want a lot of detail on just email the expert!

What is a code for all sprites AR?

DON'T USE THAT CHEAT!! trust me i used it because i got board of trying to find the harvest sprites and it gave me 100 of the 101 missing harvest sprites. i know you only need 60 to unlock the harvest goddess but by using this cheat you don't get her. sorry for the bad news :( what happened to me but if you want to check for yourself because you never know i might work for you i got the code from: i hope it works for you, maybe i was just unlucky. hope i helped :)

Which nds can play harvest moon?

Every DS model will work with the Harvest Moon games.