Just keep going through Sinnoh and don't worry about the gyms. You will totally forget about that because much better things are coming your way... simply keep going through the towns and cities. :)
In Diamond, Badge 5 can be gotten by defeating Fantina in her Gym in Hearthome City.
the seventh gym badge snowpoint gym
in the forest by the earth badge
beat the league
when you get your seventh badge and you will head for mount cornet
The 8th Badge in Pokemon Diamond is called The Beacon Badge.
beat the 1st 4 gym leaders and get to the next city
== == == ==
In Diamond, Badge 5 can be gotten by defeating Fantina in her Gym in Hearthome City.
The lose of dignaty you had
hearthome city
Hearthome City.
the seventh gym badge snowpoint gym
beat the #?*@! gym leader
snowpoint city
you beat everyone in the gym