SarahKat had her baby turn 3 years so fast his name is kjell and its on babydow so go on that .com ok guys
No, there is only 1 Babydow. However Babydow is available in a few different lanuages for example French. So if you join the English Babydow it would be okay to join the French Babydow because they are considered different websites.
Im a HUGE Babydow fan! So, here is a list of websites that I also enjoy. (made by the same people as babydow) (Im not a fan but some people like it) (requires purchase) (it can sometimes be slow) Hope this helped, personaly, I love Howrse just as much as Babydow! Try it out!
Babydow is a online virtual baby game made by Owlient so is Horwse. On Babydow you can look after as many babies as you want until they turn 3 then you send them off to school. You can Dress them, play with them, read with them, feed them and lots more. Before they turn 3 you can send them off to a nursery and give them snugglies you also help them go through their milestones like walking and speaking and also going to the Potty. Once you have 30 days of seniority you can make your own Nursery and once you get passes you can go to the Fairy Forest to buy special things for your babies. If you don't have passes you can still go to the boutique and buy things with money called "Beads". Once you baby is 3 months old they can join in with activities like dancing and swimming. Each day all of your babies turn 2 weeks older then they were yesterday. If you have friends their babies can play with yours. There are plenty of other cool things you can do at Babydow so come and join in the fun and sign up today. THIS IS CUTEMUTE147 - that hint that the person wrote was called CHEATING! It may work, it may not but the point is your not meant to talk about that on
sonic is so fast because hedgehogs can run SO fast that there heart beats 120 times in 5 seconds thats why he is so fast.
You must have the aging cheat turned off to have a baby that ages properly because the ageing cheat affects everyone in the household.
Well usually babies on babydow sleep for 24 hrs unless they are only taking a nap. Add me on babydow >>> Chloeangel2k9 Well Babydow is rather realistic so the creators made it so it's similar to reality although it is a bit much at times.
No, there is only 1 Babydow. However Babydow is available in a few different lanuages for example French. So if you join the English Babydow it would be okay to join the French Babydow because they are considered different websites.
All my babies are in nursery so I can't remember but when you find out enroll it in Rainbow nursery owner Yo19.
Every one is different so just keep trying combinations. Eventually, you will find it and your baby will have a sound night sleep. Hope I helped.
Raise their speech to 3500 so they can ask fro the potty first. The will not go in the potty in the beginning, but the higher your baby's hygiene is, the more likely they will be go in the potty.
miley does but Taylor is not far behind by the way go onto babydow its so fun you get to look after your own baby and raise it till its 3 years old xxxlove Hannah - not Hannah Montana
To get beads on Babydow you need to take care of your babies under three years old. If you took care of your babies the previous day, you will get money the next. You get 100 beads for however many babies you have. 1 baby- 100 beads 2 babies - 200 beads 3 babies - 300 beads and so on Remember, you have to log on and take care of you babies to get money!!!
No there is not any cheats of money on baby Dow but you can earn it by losing your toy going to your child alot and so much more and for the credit if you have any answers on Miley Cyrus which is me i will give you Justin biebers phone number. I stinky... Hehehe There are no money cheat's for babydow... (Person Above)
Ok so When you start out on babydow they give you a magic seed which is a special seed with which you plant it and then click pick. To get to your garden simply click my garden under them home menu. After this to get more you must either go to the boutique, buy more seeds, plant them, and wait for them to grow or you can wait 30 days to buy another magic seed with 25% of your beads. Hope this helps!! nphorsegirl on babydow
Im a HUGE Babydow fan! So, here is a list of websites that I also enjoy. (made by the same people as babydow) (Im not a fan but some people like it) (requires purchase) (it can sometimes be slow) Hope this helped, personaly, I love Howrse just as much as Babydow! Try it out!
Well it is only when you lie them down and the next day they will be 2 weeks older. Or if you haven't used them you then you can use the prim-rose hourglass, and you can send yourself to the next day, and your baby will be 2 weeks older. You get 5 of them so if you use them all then your baby will be 5 weeks older!
well, normally they grow at a speed rate of 1 1/2 years and then become an adolescent, from an adolescent to a an adult it normally takes up the biggest part of 2 years, so on average its about 3 1/2 years for a baby gorilla to grow into a adult. :)