go to shopping mall 9 go into a dark room and it will have items like a dishwasher, mower, microwave, fan talk to the dishwasher with rotom in your party and it will change to the item
You cant do that in Pokemon pearl or diamond but you can in platinum!! From poke-know-it-all
Rotom is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that is #479 in the National Pokedex. It has the ability to change in multiple forms - Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom - that all have different secondary typing in addition to Electric.
No you do not have to use a cheating device such as an Action Replay or a GameShark in order to change Rotom into any of his other forms in Pokemon SoulSilver since there is a way to change it into its various forms in SoulSilver, you will need to place Rotom as your lead Pokemon and then you will need to operate the elevator that can be found in Silph Co. of which can be found in Saffron City in the Kanto region and when the elevator stops you can find the appliances that will allow Rotom to change into Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, Mow Rotom, Heat Rotom or Wash Rotom.
rotom isn't in Pokemon emerald
First you need to trade Rotom from Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum. (Rotom is at the Old Chateou which is at the Eterna Forest. Go there after 10:00 pm and press a against one of the TV's, Rotom will pop out and you will battle. Rotom is at lvl. 15 and is Electric Ghost.)(Pearl,Platinum,Diamond) make sure Rotom is the first Pokemon in your party, when you do that the elevator will take you up to the next floor when you will see items that you can give to rotom to change it's type. items: Fan Rotom - Electric Frost Rotom- Ice Heat Roto- Fire Mow Rotom- Grass Wash Rotom- Water
Wash Rotom is a genderless Pokemon that can levitate. He is available in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Pokemon games.
Sorry, changing rotom is only in allowed in Pokemon Platinum. In diamond he has to stay boring old rotom.
You cant do that in Pokemon pearl or diamond but you can in platinum!! From poke-know-it-all
Rotom cannot be evolved
yes there is but i dont no what it is. by the way mow rotom is the best
Rotom is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that is #479 in the National Pokedex. It has the ability to change in multiple forms - Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom - that all have different secondary typing in addition to Electric.
1. fan rotom (normal) 2. mower rotom (grass) 3. wash rotom (water) 4. oven rotom (fire) 5.original rotom (electric)
trade for a ditto at route 14.
Rotom!!! (At Night In The Old TV) In Pokemon Platinum Version You Can Download The Secret Key At Your Closest Toys R Us Bring Your Ds! For More Details Visit WWW.PokemonPlatinum.Com Or WWW.Pokemon.Com What Form Will You Turn Your Rotom Into? Mow Rotom Wash Rotom Heat Rotom Fan Rotom Freeze Rotom Buy Pokemon Platinum Version Today! Learn More At WWW.PokemonPlatinum.Com
The five new Pokemon are forms of Rotom. Each of these new forms learns a move that corresponds with it's new look. In English, they are: Heat Rotom (Learns Overheat) Cut Rotom (Learns Leaf Storm) Frost Rotom (Learns Blizzard) Spin Rotom (Learns Air Cutter) Wash Rotom (Learns Hydro Pump)
No you do not have to use a cheating device such as an Action Replay or a GameShark in order to change Rotom into any of his other forms in Pokemon SoulSilver since there is a way to change it into its various forms in SoulSilver, you will need to place Rotom as your lead Pokemon and then you will need to operate the elevator that can be found in Silph Co. of which can be found in Saffron City in the Kanto region and when the elevator stops you can find the appliances that will allow Rotom to change into Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, Mow Rotom, Heat Rotom or Wash Rotom.
On Route 15, there is a little trailer right before you leave and in there, a lady will trade you a rotom for a ditto.