Just click onto your walls and it will say traps, abatis, etc. Click the build button near Trap and select the number you want to build
with 1850 men or you can take the city with archers
send warriors or loads of 500 scouts/500 cav at the target.
You send lots of attacks with 100 scouts and 100 cavs. You most likely will need alot of waves, so I prefer using a bot to do the work. You can download a undetectable evony bot from here: http://evonybots.blogspot.com/
yes u can download desktop evony
No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.
with 1850 men or you can take the city with archers
Build traps open your gates have some of your army always in your city
send warriors or loads of 500 scouts/500 cav at the target.
You send lots of attacks with 100 scouts and 100 cavs. You most likely will need alot of waves, so I prefer using a bot to do the work. You can download a undetectable evony bot from here: http://evonybots.blogspot.com/
400000 warriors nothing else city does have 3666 AT, 11000 traps logs and tribuckets so watch out
Evony happened in 2009.
Evony age II is now out.
yes u can download desktop evony
It's not on evony
You buy coins from them or get a membership from evony
You can't end an Evony account, but you can be inactive.
No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.