talk to the old lady then maxie will appear and he will steal the blue orb and the old will give the red orb
in the inside of mt pyre. it is on the the way down by dropping through the holes starting at the top
Hey you just need to go to Mt. Pyre
to get past the wailmer go to mt. pyre (if not already done) then goto mt. chimney
Go left from Lilycove until you get to a pier thing. Surf down then right. Go through the door. Go left. Out the door. You're at Mt. Pyre.
you can find it in mt. Pyre. After beating some team Aqua grunt a man give it but you can get in sapphire not in ruby
on top of graveyard mt(mt pyre)
you get it from a old woman at the top of the mt. pyre after you beat the magma grunts at the top of mt. pyre
You find him at the top of Mt. Pyre. ( below safari zone)
Mt. Pyre 4F and higher.
Mt Pyre Summit
go to the left side after you enter the mt pyre.As you cross the door,you can go to top of mt pyre
At the top of Mt. Pyre... Mt. Pyre is near Lilycove. You have to go across the water near the Safari Zone.
Mt. Pyre
in the inside of mt pyre. it is on the the way down by dropping through the holes starting at the top
Mt. Coronet is in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, not Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. You must be thinking about Mt. Pyre.
he is at the top