in the inside of mt pyre. it is on the the way down by dropping through the holes starting at the top
Lax Incense is found on route 225.
The Luck Incense is not in Ruby Sapphire or Emerald, as Happiny does not exist yet.By the way, what are these questions, chopped liver?At_what_episode_did_Ash_Ketchum_go_to_Chocovine_TownWhat_is_the_best_game_to_catch_a_wild_rhyhorn_inAt_what_level_does_Misdreavus_learn_its_best_move
If you breed a Wobbuffet(holding lax incense) with a respected Partner and it should make a Wynaut not Whynut.
Put a Wobbuffet (holding lax incense) in the daycare with a ditto. Otherwise, this will produce another Wobbuffet.
If the Pokemon has a lax nature it is relaxed all the time
Mt. Pyre
A lax incense is a Pokemon hold item in the popular Pokemon games for the Nintendo consoles. The incense boosts the evasiveness of the holder by 5%. A wobboffet is to be given this incense to breed with another wobboffet in order to breed a wynaut.
Lax incense is a breeding item in Pokémon Diamond. It can be found somewhere on route 225. It is needed to get Munchlax.
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen their is a sea incense and lax incense in the cave.
You have to breed wobbuffet with a Lax incense
Lax incense is found in lost cave on five island after going in the room with the hiker go right then down grab the item this is the lax incense.
Lax Incense is found on route 225.
im not sure about in emerald... but in ruby and sapphire it is found in mt. pyre on the 5th floor. so u could just try looking there. Improvement: It's in Emerald, just go right to the top of Mt Pyre, drop down a few floors, then you'll find the sea incense and the lax incense.
Go to lost cave on five island and when in there go right from the hiker and then go down there will be an item its lax incense.
Wobbuffet+ Wobbuffet w/ Lax incense= Wynaut
To get the incense go to the wrecked ship west of slateport and speak to the proffessor plus you can only get 1 incense
no you can receive it in the mountain next to lillycove Hope this helped =]