The Luck Incense is not in Ruby Sapphire or Emerald, as Happiny does not exist yet.
By the way, what are these questions, chopped liver?
It would be on a little island with Luck Incense on it in Vermilion City. It requires Surf to get to it.
lol u cant its only in diamond and pearl
in route 204 in a cave, you will need surf and rock smash!
fallobor town good luck
You cant catch a happiny you have to breed a Chansey while the Chansey is holding a luck incense.
you can't
It would be on a little island with Luck Incense on it in Vermilion City. It requires Surf to get to it.
breed Chancey or blissey with luck incense
Two azumarill's one holding sea incense.
lol u cant its only in diamond and pearl
Wobbuffet+ Wobbuffet w/ Lax incense= Wynaut
For Pokemon Pearl, the Luck Incense can be found at Route 204. To reach it, the player must have both Rock Smash and Surf.
No! only 1 you can get it in route 204 [i think] or maybe with Pokemon that i have pickup abillity [ or not]
You can find one at the Ravaged Path. Hope this helped! =)
in route 204 in a cave, you will need surf and rock smash!
make your Pokemon hold a luck incense or amulet coin and go to the Pokemon league. warning: you may get more then 22000P
fallobor town good luck