Go left from Lilycove until you get to a pier thing. Surf down then right. Go through the door. Go left. Out the door. You're at Mt. Pyre.
Mt. Pyre in Pokemon Emerald is near Lilycove City on Route 122. You have to surf to get there, or make it to the Safari zone. There's a cave where you have to go in and move up, and there you will find Mt. Pyre.
Hey you just need to go to Mt. Pyre
to get past the wailmer go to mt. pyre (if not already done) then goto mt. chimney
in the inside of mt pyre. it is on the the way down by dropping through the holes starting at the top
there isn't its only on Pokemon emerald ruby and sapphireIt is not in heart gold or soul silver BUT it is in emerald ruby and Safire .sorry but i don't now if I spelled Safire right.
From Route 121, go south and surf on Route 122 and you'll find Mt. Pyre.
Mt. Pyre
Chimecho is in Mt. Pyre Summit.
Mt. Pyre, but they are rare, be patient
You find Vulpix in the exterior of Mt. Pyre.
Mt. Pyre is located in Route 122 on Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. It can be accessed via Route 121 west of Lilycove City. You will need a Pokemon with the HM Surf in order to reach Mt.Pyre itself.
Mt. Coronet is in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, not Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. You must be thinking about Mt. Pyre.
Mt. Pyre in Pokemon Emerald is near Lilycove City on Route 122. You have to surf to get there, or make it to the Safari zone. There's a cave where you have to go in and move up, and there you will find Mt. Pyre.
because they are now face the fact
it is at mt pyre in the highest area that you can search in grass
Route 121 has the Safari Zone on it plus you can surf to Mt. Pyre and route 123 from it. If you continue following the path, it will lead you to Lilycove City.
I think there are Mawile found south of Mt. Pyre (Route 123 to the west)