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Q: How do you get to the secret entrance to the underground to get a stamp on club penguin?
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Where is the secret entrance to the underground on club penguin?

Basically, it's outside the puffle shop/the stage and it is a grey circle. Click on it and you will arrive at a swimming pool. This will earn you a stamp.

How do you earn the underground stamp on club penguin?

you have to go to the plaza and click on the sewer hole

Where is the underground in Club Penguin?

The Underground is the pool. You Can find it by going to the plaza and there is a drain sort of thing beside the pet shop and you click on it and there you go! You are underground! you get a stamp too!

How do you earn the underground in club penguin?

Go to the Plaza. Then below the Pet shop is a kind of a hole. Through it, go to the cave. You should get the stamp.

Where is the ticket stamp on Club Penguin?

There is no such thing as a ticket stamp on club penguin.

How do you get the franky stamp on Club Penguin?

you can only get the stamp if the band is on club penguin. you can do it with a cheat.

How do you obtain the go swimming stamp club penguin?

The go swimming stamp is achieved by swimming in either the Cove, beach, underground pool or the dock while wearing a rubber duck suit. There are no inflatable ducks available. That stamp is currently not achievable.

How do you do mission ten in club penguin with the secret part?

Yes, First do to the mission and before you are done click on the book, it will take you to a secret spot that g has hidden... g finds something wrong with it and you have to fix it, its quite hard, then you get a noble penguin award to get a stamp too!

Where is the stamp in club penguin for october in 2010?

Check your stamp book for the latest stamps on club penguin.

What is the stamp for Club Penguin February?

Check your stamp book to know the latest stamps on club penguin.

How do you get the sensei stamp on club penguin?

To get this stamp you have to be in the same room as sensei

Where is Club Penguin Candice stamp?

find her on club penguin to get this pin