If you are a ninja you go to the dojo courtyard and click on the slab in the corner and then you are in the ninja hideout! If you are not a ninja I don't know!
there is no ninja hideout in club penguin 2013
You have to be a ninja to go into it. Hope you will be a ninja!
you get the permission to go into the ninja hideout and buy a ninja costume
Once you become a ninja you get a ninja mask and gain entrance to the ninja hideout. Once you are at the ninja hideout you can buy ninja clothing and furniture, train to become a fire ninja or a water ninja. Or just play other ninjas in regular card-jitsu.
Onceyou beat sensei click on the stone door outside.The Club Penguin Ninja Hideout is next to the outside dojo door. It is that rectangle stone with carvings on it.
there is no ninja hideout in club penguin 2013
You have to be a ninja to go into it. Hope you will be a ninja!
When you are a ninja, you have access into the ninja hideout. If you are a member ninja, you also have access to the Martial Arts catalog in the ninja hideout and the fire dojo! In the Martial Arts catalog, you can buy furniture for your igloo or clothes for your penguin. But if you are not a member, all you can do is go into the ninja hideout.
Ninja hideout
Yes there is and it is in the ninja hideout in the dark underground place in the middle of the ninja hideout
in the ninja hideout
Go in the ninja hideout, and buy it from the ninja catalog.
use the ultimate CPTRAINER
you get the permission to go into the ninja hideout and buy a ninja costume
Once you become a ninja you get a ninja mask and gain entrance to the ninja hideout. Once you are at the ninja hideout you can buy ninja clothing and furniture, train to become a fire ninja or a water ninja. Or just play other ninjas in regular card-jitsu.
In the Secret Ninja Hideout
Sound Ninja