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You can get on when Rockhopper arrives for a party or event.

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Q: How do you get to the migrator on Club Penguin?
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In Club Penguin where is Rockhopper's Migrator?

Rockhopper's Migrator is at the Beach, though unless Rockhopper isn't visiting Club Penguin, you won't be able to see Rockhopper's Migrator.

Were is mirgator on Club Penguin?

The migrator always stays with Rockhopper, whether he is on Rockhopper island or on the club penguin island. Currently (April 2013), the migrator is with Rockhopper on Rockhopper island, but when he'll come to club penguin, he'll be sailing on his migrator.

What is the name of rockhoppers ship on club penguin?

The name of his ship is Migrator

How do you get to the migrator on Club Penguin when its gone?

use penguin storm

What is rockhoppers ship called on club penguin?

Rockhopper has his very own ship on club penguin, the ship is calles the Migrator

Where can you find the migrator Club Penguin?

you find it at the beach

Club penguin how to get to rockhopper island?

go on the migrator

What is rockhoppers boat called on club penguin?

the migrator

What is the name of captin rockhoppership on club penguin?


What is blackbeards ship called on club penguin?

the migrator

What is the name of captain rockhopper's ship club penguin?

Rockhopper's Ship is called the Migrator.

What is captins rockhoppers ship name club penguin?

the migrator