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Well it's not really under lake acuity. You use the move surf and surf across the lake and you will find the cave...........

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Q: How do you get to the cave underneath lake acuity?
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Where is the cave at lake acuity?

The middle of the lake :)

Where to catch uxie?

Lake acuity cave.

What cave is Pokemon uxie in?

You find Uxie in the cave in the middle of Lake Acuity.

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u dont, the galactic squad will do that 4 u

Where do you find uxie?

Uxie is found in a cave at Lake Acuity.

Where can you get uxie?

Go to Lake Acuity with a Pokemon with Surf. Surf to the Middle of the Lake and go into the Cave. Uxie is in there (Lake Acuity is up North by Snowpoint City)

How do you enter the cave under lake acuity in Pokemon diamond pearl or platinum?

You surf there

How do you get into the cave under lake acuity on Pokemon platinum?

You rent a drill from John Deer.

Who is pokedex numbers 146 147 148 in diamond?

146 is Uxie and can be found in Lake Acuity, the cave in the middle of the lake 147 is Mesprit and can be found in Lake Verity, the cave in the middle of the lake 148 is Azelfand can be found in Lake Valor, the cave in the middle of the lake

What do you have to do at Lake Acuity?

Lake Acuity is the home lake of Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie. After you do the spear pillar event, use the move surf to swim to the middle of the lake where there is a cave. Enter and you will see all three of them. Try talking to them but they will run away, now you just have to get lucky finding them.

How do you get underneath the cavern at lake acuity?

you cant, the only time the cavern is not there is at the start of the game, then it is there forever and you can only ster onto it.

Where do you get legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

fullmoon island, mt. coronet, stark mt., turn back cave, snowpoint temple, lake valor, lake veriety, lake acuity