146 is Uxie and can be found in Lake Acuity, the cave in the middle of the lake 147 is Mesprit and can be found in Lake Verity, the cave in the middle of the lake 148 is Azelfand can be found in Lake Valor, the cave in the middle of the lake
Pokemon # 146 is Uxie in Pokemon diamond and Pearl and can be found in a cave at Lake Acuity just left of Snowpoint City. Pokemon # 147 Mesprit in Pokemon diamond and Pearl and can be found in a cave at Lake Verity just left of Twinleaf Town. Pokemon # 148 Azelf in Pokemon diamond and Pearl and can be found in a cave at Lake Valor between Pastoria City and Veilstone City. for a list of all other Pokemon you can check out this site... http://Pokemon.marriland.com/diamond_pearl/pokedex
uxie mersprit azelf they are found in the 3 caverns of the lakes of sinnoh wich are in the water of the lakes use surf
google google google google go on google
147 is a mespirit. you find it in that little cave thing in lake verity. if you havent done the parelle world thing with Cynthia then i dnt think you can see it.. hope this helps x
Pokemon number 147 is Mesprit in the Sinnoh pokedex, which can be found in a cave in the center of Lake Verity, which requires surf to get to. Once you meet it it will fly off and will roam throughout Sinnoh, appearing in tall grass. Its position will be displayed on the marking map app on the poketch.
uxie merspirt and azelf in caverns of the lakes of sinnoh found in the water of the lakes one Pokemon per cavern
Pokemon no.147 in the Pokemon Pearl National Pokedex is Dratini.
Pokemon # 146 is Uxie in Pokemon diamond and Pearl and can be found in a cave at Lake Acuity just left of Snowpoint City. Pokemon # 147 Mesprit in Pokemon diamond and Pearl and can be found in a cave at Lake Verity just left of Twinleaf Town. Pokemon # 148 Azelf in Pokemon diamond and Pearl and can be found in a cave at Lake Valor between Pastoria City and Veilstone City. for a list of all other Pokemon you can check out this site... http://Pokemon.marriland.com/diamond_pearl/pokedex
They are: 146+147+148 = 441
146+1 = 147
Here is a Example- 1+146=147.
sinnoh pokedex: mesprit national pokedex: dratini
uxie mersprit azelf they are found in the 3 caverns of the lakes of sinnoh wich are in the water of the lakes use surf
Chinchou is number 170 in the National Pokedex, number 174 in the New Pokedex, number 176 in the Johto Pokedex, #181 in the Hoenn Pokedex, and number 147 in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex.
go to the caverns of each lake of sinoh the caverns are in the water one Pokemon per caveren
138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150 (including 138 and 150)