You can get to Barbarian village by walking west of varrock, or east of falador, or north of draynor manor, or south of edgeville.
In barbarian village
In the fishing spot near the Barbarian Village.
Barbarian - Barbarian Village ( Between Varock and Falador.Dwarf - Dwarve Mines ( Falador ).Thug - Edgeville Dungeon.
You can find it exactly north of the Barbarian Village and exactly south of Edgeville.
The ice Giant's are the best there is a safe part in Remington or Train on Barbarian's at the barbarian village
In barbarian village
There is not any clay in barbarian village you have to bring some yourself.
Barbarian Village was recently renamed to Gunnarsgruun. So "grundun" is probably Gunnarsgruun, or the whole village.
In the fishing spot near the Barbarian Village.
South of the monetary and west of Barbarian village.
the stronghold is in barbarian village, the the middle of the mining rocks.
The stronghold of security if located at Barbarian Village, this village is on the path that Links Falador and Varrock.
The sceptre teleports you to barbarian village, it only has a certain number of uses.
Stand in Varrock Square and head West following the road.
At the monastary northwest of the Barbarian Village and East of Ice Mountain.
Level two of the Stronghold of Security in Barbarian Village.